Booky Goatherd

By Booky_Goatherd

Thursday: Jutty Out Things

I was going to call this picture 'Awnings' - highly imaginative, I think you will agree.  K. tells me, though, that these are not awnings.  As we don't know what they are called this picture is now entitled 'Jutty Out Things'.

This is not too far from where I work - there are some great little back streets with Regency style houses.  The whole street has houses with facades like this.  

I have discovered that, when taking a photo, I never seem to be able to take it looking to the left - wherever possible I take it looking to the right.  Bizarrely, I am left-handed.  What can this mean?  K. reckons it's the way my eyes fall - I'm not sure this is a compliment.

There is very strong possibility I might have to go to New York for work week after next.  I am not sure I can stand much more excitement at the moment.

Thanks so much for your lovely messages yesterday regarding our impending move to Croatia - I honestly take a lot of comfort from the fact that my blip pals will be accompanying me on new adventures.

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