Big Cat!

Spence and I drove into the city this morning for a scan then went down to Mum and Dad's. We called in and picked up my sister, Shell, and went to Pop's place for lunch. When we got there three of Pop's five kids (two of my uncles and an aunt) and my cousin Kim and her baby Alexandra were already there. It was great catching up with everyone. We stayed there for a while then went and saw Mum at her work then went to my Nana's house for a while.

Mum works at a service station and while we were there a massive Caterpillar grader pulled up and filled up with diesel. Spence loves all vehicles including diggers and trucks and things with trailers on the back! He saw the grader from inside the shop and started waving at the man who was filling it up. We went outside and Spence said hello to the man who then asked if Spence wanted to have a sit in it! Spence is usually scared of big things but I think because he hadn't heard it make a loud noise he was fine with it! I lifted him up and then the man tilted the steering wheel towards him so he could 'steer' it! He absolutely loved it!!

Mum is looking after Spence tomorrow while I go to Traralgon to do more renovating! We are hoping to paint the chimney and finish the doors! We will see!!

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