michigan man

By outdoorguy

A Rainy Rose

Rain, rain, and more rain. I am in the middle of transporting my broken-legged doctor between his house and his office. The morning ride down to his house was trecherous. Raining so hard...the wipers couldn't keep up. Awful.

Soooo...I went out on my back porch with my umbrella, and snapped this rose. All the roses in my back yard belong to my wife. I don't touch them, and I don't trim them. All I do is take their picture. How can a flower as beautiful as this...be such a nasty plant? After my wife trims them, she makes me empty the lawn cart. No matter how careful I am...I always take a thorn in either my hand or my thigh. Never fails. It doesn't help that I refuse to wear any of those girlie garden gloves. Maybe I should pick me up a pair with a nice floral print.

It is now almost 2:30. I have to pick the doctor up at 4:00. Niya, the needy chihauhau, is calling my name. She is sitting on the couch, and giving me the big eyes. Allow me to translate the look. "Can you please go somewhere and cover-up...so I can get warm?" I don't want to...but...maybe an hour nap wouldn't hurt. Just for Niya. Anything for the baby.

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