Furnace Lass

By furnacelass

Magical DSLR

Today was a glorious summer day , the sun shone from early morning , wonderful holiday weather for our young visitor who is here with us for a week from the Glasgow Children's Holiday Scheme ( if you want to know more about it it is possible to google it- a wonderful organisation which does so much for these young people and like most organisation depends on donations of time , expertise , host families or money to keep it going )

Any way today we were able to take advantage of the fine weather , one of the things we did was to meander up to the farm to feed the hens, see the sheep and the cows etc. all the usual things children love to do.

When we got back from the farm the wee one was distraught to discover he had lost his phone. Checked everywhere , no sign of it. So we checked all the photographs we had taken for his parents and the camera was able to help us play detective and find where he last had the phone in his pocket . A simple matter of going back up to the farm , and there it was just where we had expected it.one very happy youngster , thank you magic camera !!!

So the wee one chose tonight's blip ,just had to be the big black rooster. with all the colourful feathers. LARGE might be worth a look - you'll see why it was the favourite and most of the bread was thrown in his direction.

Hope you all had a great weekend.

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