The Hanging Garden

By hanginggarden


My living room at our dear abode, Dundee.

Today was a hangover day. So that entailed a lot of lounging about, keeping myself occupied with little tasks etc. I won't bore you with the details.

Pictured is my good friend Scott, who came round this evening for banter and times. Not pictured is flatmate Mike and dear friend Callum. We played Trivial Pursuit on the Xbox thingy. Mike won. I came 2nd.

But back to Scott, there playing the guitar (somewhat multi-talented in the instrument dept.) is a friend I've known for longer than I originally perceived. Let me explain: what I thought was our first meeting (last year, Edinburgh party) turned out to be a stealth reunion, unbeknown to both of us - we were actually from the same high school, and worse still, I actually auditioned him for my band at the time. But my embarrassment is somewhat saved by the fact Scott didn't twig either, until mutual friend Mike (flatmate Mike) showed him a few photos of me from that very era. One of those 'woah' moments!

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