Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Afternoon Silhouette

Late this afternoon I took the pooches into the backyard because they hadn't been out for a while and it just seemed like it was time. While waiting for them to find just the right spot, or is that location, I sat a moment to capture the pool from a slightly different angle than usual and captured my shadow too.

Just typing the word "shadow" makes me think about the story "Peter Pan." As a child, it was my favorite.

If I remember correctly, Peter needed to have his shadow sewn back on. That fascinated me then. I think maybe it still does. As adults many of us seem to lose some of our imaginative ability.

Watching little Tristan play "make believe" is fun. Yesterday morning while he was waiting for Uncle John to come, Tristan was creating a "make believe" story when I "tuned-in" to listen as he spoke about what his plastic action characters were doing. Non-chalantly I starting interjecting questions to see how that would direct the storyline. I also switched-on my phone's video camera. So while he looked right at me, I captured the world he was spinning in his mind and speaking with his words. I told him that next year when he comes to visit, we'll have these videos for him to watch of himself.

He thoroughly enjoys watching himself in last year's videos on my phone or iPad. Watching him watch those is just a hoot. He replays them again and again.

Today Tristan has been at our daughter, Dede's, house. He spent the night there last night. It's been quiet here. Whew! So this morning I read a FaceBook entry that Dede's daughter, our granddaughter, Ashly posted. She wrote: "If I sit and listen to the sounds of my house there is the vacuum, the pitter patter of small running feet, and off in the distance dogs scratching the slider...quiet Saturday morning."

So there I was this afternoon in a very relaxed, calm, peaceful state, just gazing at my shadow. Then the pooches made wet spots; I cheered for them, and we all quickly scurried back into the cool of the house.

Pretty boring day, don't you think?! After the action-packed days with our 4-year-old great grandson, boring is not at all a negative complaint.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun, and the pooches: Chloe, Mitzi, and Max), aka Carol

P.S. We barbequed the evening meal and I added pineapple chunks to the veggies we were grilling. That was a delicious addition!

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