By wellsforzoe

College site Location Finalised

A big part of the further development of our agricultural programme involves the building of a residential agricultural college in the Sonda Community.
This will be a practical, hands on type, of education with a broad curriculum from compost making to cooking and from irrigation to inspiration.
Today the deal for the site was finalised.
Harisen writes:

Today I went to meet the Mathews and the other chief to discuss about the land issue.
It was a successful meeting, they all welcome our plans and ideas in developing their communities.

I then proceed to Lusangazi; Bina is not feeling well today and did not turn-up.
Vasco, Benedicto and John were planting peas.
Mary and Olivia were watering Spinach,Rape and Mustard, Cauliflowers and Carrots.

I went to the post office to check the seeds from the US, but they have not arrived yet.


(Matthews is our local Chief and is an excellent partner in the development of his community). He has the shoes

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