Through Jo's Lens

By Jo8lens

Fridge Blippers Of The World Unite

Todays Blip was inspired by Itchythumbs and her fridge here's mine! Everyone should do one, as in a fridge blip not in a Scouse get lost!

Am I embarrassed by what's in there? Nah...we don't usually have any pop in there but today there is Cream Soda and Dandelion & Burdock. I saw both and thought I would let the boys have some pop as a treat. It's been in the fridge, untouched, for over a week. Today they had some Cream Soda and I offered their friend some too. He asked: "What kind of pop is that?" "Cream Soda" I replied. "Oh, it tastes weird..." he said. "What, has it gone flat?!" I asked. "No" he said, "it just tastes like nail varnish." "Nail varnish?" I said. "No, I mean nail varnish remover" he answered. Charming. Don't come here for pop again, mate!

There is also a packet of chocolate crayons in there! (2nd self down, yellow packet). What a fridge!!

Today has been very relaxing. I collected the boys from Mums, stayed there nattering until gone 3pm. Returned home and the boys had a great afternoon jumping from the fence onto the trampoline! Then they climbed the tree to pick some cherries. We've managed to eat a few each and there are plenty more about to ripen over the next week or so.

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