
By Ilaria

Friendship.....a personal reflection...

Well....a different sort of blip for me today....technically not the best group shot too, surrounded by extra chairs, cars etc....but for me.....a great shot that has made me smile and reflect a lot today!!! Was out all afternoon for a catch up with a group of friends who go back many years...some of them half my life now!!! And it was a great afternoon!!!!!! :-))))

It was great to talk and remember stuff, things that had happened, folk who couldn't be with us today!! So much has changed for all of, jobs, relationships, homes, having children, etc.....and it's great to reflect on all that!!

These folk have seen me personally change so much too!! When I met them, I was a different person to the one I am today!! Painfully shy and no self confidence. But over the years, you sort some things out in your life, and for me...I changed a lot!!! It's kinda hard to shut me up sometimes now!!!!!!! And I am much more confident!!! Maybe some others wouldn't have given me the space I needed to sort these things out in my life..... but these folk did!! And I'm really grateful for that!! :-))))

I reckon I'll spend the next few days smiling and remembering some of the crazy, funny and fun filled times together that we've had over the years!! There have been a lot of laughs!! Here's to continuing to keep in touch!! I hadn't seen certain people in the group for a few years...but you wouldn't think that....the years just melted away!!! Isn't it a wonderful thing????!!!!! :-)))))

I did blip a great kite that someone brought was flown a lot today!!! :-))))
See HERE!!!!!


Thanks once again for the Spotlight hit yesterday!!!!! :-)))))))))))

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