One of five a day

By KiloRomeo

Covert operation

One can always expect the unexpected at the Port O'Leith. Higher order blippers have reported on this before me.

So what's going on here then? (Large version)

As I tried to engage my analytic process and remain as inconspicuous as one can be during the day at 50 feet - with an SLR pasted to their face - I realised that I had been spotted. Forgive me for trying (badly) to give it a night vision camera look.

These chaps weren't subtle in their dislike for me either.

Just as I heard the monster truck revving up, I decided it was good time to do a runner.

If there are no further entries in my blip journal, please assume that I 'went out' rendering services to the blipfoto community.

Time then for a confession... I do look at many of your blips, but I haven't been comment rich recently. In exchange for a pardon by my subjects of today, I promise to come around and make good this shortcoming. :))

Blip blip!

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