One Day Like This

By sennema

Tiny steps

I like a great leap forward. Something has to be good right away, or I just leave it behind and start something else (quite often with the same result). With photography, as with many things in life, I have to force myself to take tiny steps and to just do it, regardless of the results.

This morning I got out of bed and decided to go outside and take some photos. I almost threw my camera in the Schie, the canalized river in the back of our garden, because the pictures I took with the 18/55mm were not good at all. So I went back to the 50mm, also called the nifty nifty (so I learned yesterday). A tiny flower caught my eye. Still not perfectly satisfied (still a bit crowded I think, maybe that's what macro lenses are for? tips?) but I especially liked the way the shadow melts into the crack in the wall.

Anyway, already such a great way to enjoy the tiniest things in life.

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