All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Chubby little fingers

Weekly mummy & Ethan day today.

Swimming class in the morning. It wasn't his usual instructor but was the one who took his first batch of classes. I'm sure he doesn't remember back to when he was 5 months old but he seemed to enjoy seeing her again.

We then drove over to Bathgate and spent a few hours with Foreveryoung & Eden at their house. They were going out just after lunch, so we headed to Tescos to do a few bits and pieces before going to the library at East Calder. Ethan fell asleep on the way there and slept for an hour and a half. So I sat in the car with him and read a book - not something I get to do so often these days.

When we got back home, Granny & Grandpa had arrived and were relaxing in the conservatory. Ethan hesitated over who to go to first but Grandpa won and got the first batch of cuddles from them.

I made fish pie for dinner which Ethan wolfed down. Just as well, since it cost a fortune to make! He was so well behaved sitting in his high chair this evening. It does seem to be the evenings that he has been at nursery that day which tend to be the problem evenings as tonight he was a wee angel.

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