All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Please sir, can I have some more?

On nursery days, Ethan only gets his milk before I take him to nursery, as they give him breakfast there. Today though he obviously decided he couldn't wait that long as he went to the cereal cupboatd, pulled out the box of Cheerios, found a random bowl lying around, put some in it, marched through to the living room and sat on hubbies chair to eat them! Very funny!'s

Hectic day at work for me - felt like I was chasing my tail all day long.

Met up with hubbie & Ethan in Sainsbury's on the way home so we could do the weekly shop. It takes twice as long as usual with Ethan there cos he won't sit in the trolley for long and insists on going the opposite way to us when we let him out!

For once he wasn't very talkative this evening. His most recent word is "bubbles" which he normally repeats over and over. Took us a while to work out that's what he's saying as we thought it was "Bobo" (character in one of his books). He didn't want to stay long in the bath and went to bed without a fuss. Think he was just plain worn out.

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