Chaos and Calm

By KatKatzenjammer


A catch up blip today, as I've been either busy or rendered useless since Saturday.

I took this somewhere in between Melbourne and neighbouring town, Geelong (about an hour drive) on Saturday evening. I was running late for a gig (more on that in my next blip) because of making myself look like the woman I'm meant to be... And having a bit of an argument with the boyfriend, telling me to hurry up... It was a little hilarious, really. But, had I not been running a little late, I would have missed this photo. Silver linings.

Combined with the argument, this photo reminded me of a song I used to like when I was younger. I can't remember who it's by, or any of the lyrics EXCEPT for one line, but it's about not letting the sun set without resolving issues, because it's a day wasted on anger. Not that we were angry at each other. The boyfriend was just cursing the woman in me taking so long, something he's not had to worry about. We made our peace, and it was a great night.

"Don't let the sun go down on us today."

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