Life in Rangitane

By rangitane2

Things to do on a Rainy Afternoon

We have been here 3 weeks now and gradually getting sorted. We have had good weather so far, very hot the first10 days and a bit mixed since then. Yesterday started off extremely hot, and I finished off adding extra strands to a section of fence to make it Ollie proof (we live in a Kiwi zone). However after lunch the rain started.
A lot of people here welcome the rain because:
it often means the end of a hot and humid period,
it fills the water tanks (all our water is collected from the roof);
and it irrigates the garden without having to use your valuable reserves.
However, coming from Scotland, we haven't been here longer enough to appreciate rain.
And it means we no excuse to delay starting the decorating.
This small bedroom looks onto a area of the garden with numerous ferns: pongas, wheka ferns and many others I can't identify. It is an area which I will develop further sometime in the future.

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