
By Mimthing


They say you can't beat a wedding or a funeral for a family fall-out.

We attended a family funeral yesterday, it didn't disappoint.*

I came away with far more info on my varying Aunts and Uncles than my poor little brain could cope with.....poor other-half nearly went into total melt-down, he thought he was from a dis-functional family, he's got nothing on my lot.
The best line of the day came from an Aunt about my estranged sister -she cut herself off from us after my Mum died- it was to say that she didn't understand why none of us speak to her...
What a lie...........!
She ostracised herself and gave me instructions to never contact her again.
I have the emails.
Strange how people will twist the facts to gain a sympathy vote....
She an ex-copper!
Makes you wonder how many poor buggers got done for stuff they hadn't done because of people like her.

The photo is of my first woodpecker to visit my garden.
I was speaking to a friend the other day who said the woodpeckers come to his garden for the peanuts, so I went home and filled the bird feeders with nuts.

Hey presto I now have a woodpecker....Fab.

Life is good and I'm now off to York for some lunch and a pint.

Have a fab day peeps.

*There was no falling out today, just info overload.

I think we gave Uncle Sam a decent send off.
I re-met cousins that I haven't seen for years.
Hopefully we can keep in touch.

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