Evening Light

A funny sort of day: a lot of problems, discussing bereavement, a customer's problem and a major disappointment over an incorrectly placed order.

I made an easy, but tasty tea, took The Mother Home and set out with the camera. Farmers have been making hay while the sun shines. I thought I could go back to a very small drift of poppies. Not a KathGordon or a brickmaker field packed with them, more a little Dotty cluster. She did the slow-shutter thing so well I couldn't use that idea, so I thought of another angle to take.


The fields had been cut and the cattle were in pulling out the remaining vegetation from around the edges.

I hope those poppies tasted good! This one didn't have any!

I haven't got the blip I wanted but, getting out and looking for shots has really lightened my day. So did coming in and seeing how many of you liked my try with macro on the bellows yesterday. Thank you!

Long Live Blip!

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