Peter's Ponderings

By Lofty

The cat that made me giggle

My boss brought his 'Baby' into work today and couldn't help showing it off and taking me for a spin!

I'm a product designer, so have a thing for a 'well designed' object. This car... it's from a different era. None of it make sense by today's standards, and I love it for it.

This is an individual, it has character (just look at its slightly startled 'face'), it is something you can love. Sat next to Sophie (my Corsa) - the difference is startling. We design cars now, not so much to appeal to the masses, but to not offend as many people as possible.

At nearly half a century old this E-type made me giggle out loud like a little kid in front of my boss as we snarled up to 50 miles an hour on the dual carriage way... This isn't a Jauguar, it's a Cougar!

When was the last time Sophie gave me a perma-grin that lasted the rest of my Friday afternoon??

Think i need to trade her in for an older model...

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