One click of time

By sauvage

Waigaoqiao Wu hào mén

Or Waigaoqiao gate number 5 that is one of my most used Chinese sentence as I tell this to the taxi driver who brings me to the office.

From there I could tell him in Chinese go strait ahead, go left, go right and left again and the first time I felt proud that I was able to travel solo in China.

But suddenly they started to build an elevated road that blocked my normal path and the taxi driver was looking at me " where to go now?" and I really had no idea and again I had to call a friend for help. That was 4 years ago and with traditional Chinese speed in a couple of months a beautiful elevated road was constructed but till now it never opened.

Today I walked to the end of the road to see were it ends, well it ends no were and looking to the other side it had no were to go to anyway.

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