
By Juli

My Blipcards have come!

My sister lived in Japan for a few years and apparently the custom there is to give someone a card with your details on when you meet them, I suppose a bit like the old-fashioned 'calling card'.

When we moved, I thought 'What a great idea!' so I went and bought some of those do-it-yourself business cards from Staples in a nice design and made up loads with my name, address, phone numbers and email address on. I thought it would appear a bit pretentious at first but they have proved useful time and time again - so much easier than scrabbling about for bits of paper and a pen when you're in a hurry! You do have to be a bit discerning about who you give out so much information to but hopefully my friends have one pinned up somewhere and, of course, they have been handed out many times to other mummies when organising playdates.

I'm down to my last few now so I thought I would go for Blipcards this time, which obviously now also include my Blipfoto journal address. I chose just the two pictures - the one of me in the bushes with my camera (for those who already think I'm a bit weird) and my sunflower (for those who haven't quite figured that out yet!). Funny enough, one of the volunteers I was working with on Monday is an avid photographer, has loads of photo journals on the go and was asking me all about mine. Must remember to give her a card next time I see her!

Anyway, I think my cards are GREAT! The only downside is that somehow during my doorstep conversation with Bob the Postie he's challenged me to do the London to Brighton bike ride with him next year! Oh dear......!

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