Every Little Step

By moonfairy

Getting ready for Christmas!!

Sorry to all those in the Nothern Hemisphere still waiting for summer to arrive, but it's only 6 months to Christmas!!

During our holiday Alexandra and I have been making these embroidered Christmas decorations.

Well, she's done the top 6 and I've only managed to do the bottom one (and I made a mistake on that, the star was supposed to be a darker blue, but I couldn't be bothered to do it again!)

She's nearly finished another one, and has 4 more to do. I don't think I'll do anymore of these though, I've gone back to doing my bead embroidery (also Christmas decorations.)

So, I'm not sure if she's quicker than me or I just have a lot of other things to do - I think it's the latter.

Mind you she has cooked dinner tonight, Chicken Dauphinois.

This is chicken breasts on a bed of garlic and leeks, covered in a sauce that includes white wine, and a soft cheese with herbs and garlic. This is covered in thinly sliced potatoes, covered in butter. Very yummy!!

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