Every Little Step

By moonfairy

Paws for Thought.

Neo enjoying the sun behind the blinds.

Another beautiful day. So spent a bit of time in the garden trying to finish off the corner where the bird bath is going. We've decided to put small stones on the ground, bought 4 bags of stones to begin with, and it wasn't enough, so then we had to get Alexandra to buy another 3 bags, from another garden centre as the first one didn't have anymore!!!!

So after vacuuming (or hoovering) the house, I decided that as I only have 3 days left of my holiday, I wasn't going to do anything for the rest of the day. So back to the embroidery.

I haven't done half the things I planned for this holiday, mostly because I can't seem to shift the chest infection that I got the week before my holiday started.

I am not looking foward to getting up early, in the cold. No not at all.

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