michigan man

By outdoorguy

The Eye of the Sparrow

I took my wife over to see the baby swallows that I blipped 2 days ago. Grandson Merrick didn't care...so he continued his nap in the car. What a difference 2 days made! I could'nt get the babies to open their mouths, and mom wasn't thrilled to have me on the porch. She didn't attack me, but did hover around my head, and squawked. I only took a few shots. I did get some prints made for the homeowner of pictures I took the other day. She seemed to like them.

I also got a juvenile red-winged blackbird at my bird feeder. As colorful as he is now...I can't believe all the browns and whites and the spots turn black. After visiting the swallows...we ended up at the mill-pond and took some pictures of the pair of swans that was there. My wife was a real trooper as I took pic after pic. I could have stayed longer, but...for her...and for love...I asked, "Are you ready to go....Deeeeear? She was. I drove her over to a neighboring town, and took her to Wendys. Nothing is too good for my Lisa. I even offered to buy her a Frosty after dinner, but she refused.

The sparrow on my poor dead burning bush gets the blip. I like her feathers and her eyeball.

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