In Brief, for once...

By JaxI

Thank yous

A "thank you " can make your entire day.
The lack of a thank you can also spoil your whole day. I experienced both yesterday.
The gorgeous flowers and decadent chocolates were a thank you for my 2 year PTA stint from my girls, who easily did more of the actual work than I did. I was in fact, so up my own bum with all the other thank yous I had to organize for the excellent staff members who are leaving M's school this year, that I actually honestly didn't see this gift coming.
I'll use that as my excuse for the appalling bad manners of not thanking in turn all the people who really made the 2 years a success. There were lots of people who turned up and worked hard this year, but anyone who has ever been a mug enough to volunteer for any PTA committee work knows that the people who step up for the positions of responsibilty enjoy a whole different level of fun. When I saw the flowers and the gift, I knew immediately who picked them. That they know exactly what flowers and colours and chocolates I love, speaks to how quietly and well we worked together. No fuss, not too much talk. A lot of sensible action.

They probably won't read this, but thanks Rie, Eriko, Seiko and of course Nicky. It was tough at times, but I think we pulled off a couple of good years!
Good luck to the next lot.
I'm changing my phone number. Hahaha.

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