Pisa, Italy

I'm not sure why I like this photograph but I think it might in a small way remind me of dear departed Molly as I also saw the early morning low lying mists she talked about, in fact this whole area reminded me of her. This was taken as we walked back to the coach, not sure if the tilt is me or the road, probably me.

I must be a bit of a dumbo becauee I never realised the Pisa Tower was next to a Church I always assumed it was in an area all by its own :)

We also visited Florence today so it really was a hard day to chose a pic - but it was an eventful day and as they say things always happen in 3's:-

1. one lady was pick pocketed of her credit cards
2. we lost someone but it was ok becasue he later turned up at the Chalets (he was side-tracked watching a fashion show!!)
3. one of the guys had to be left at his Embassy because he'd lost his passport the previous day when he visited Monaco, but hopefully he will get it back (he caught us up on Rome)

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