Family Dog

By Family_Dog

consoling lunch...

Well, it's actually 6pm so it's not exactly lunch but given that me & mum ate breakfast at about 1pm it is technically lunch.

But the important part is that it's consoling...

I wasn't prepared for how much I actually needed mum through this weekend. It was lovely and it was quite sad when she left. I watched her lovely wee self walk down our street, with her coat with the fluffy collar, her big carrier bag and off she went, down to the pedestrian crossing, across the road, along to her car - waving every now and then. And then she was off. Back along the big road to her home and her fella and her day off tomorrow.

Sigh. I nearly cried and everything! My lovely mummy. She is ace.

I am very lucky.

Bry's home in 2 hours. Hoorah. I'm going to go and pack my hospital bag while I wait on him.

P.S - after this photo was taken, I smooshed up that roll and broke it into massive, mouth deforming pieces and tipped it into my soup and poured more soup over each piece and then tried to get each one in my mouth without getting any soup on me. It was a classy moment.

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