Family Dog

By Family_Dog

my roomies for the weekend

Even though I got a huge sleep last night, I woke up knackered, bathed knackered, wandered through Saturday morning knackered and then encouraged mum to come into town with me - knackered. Off to get some new undies specifically designed to hold the bizarre shaped me post baby.

First stop - Jenners. I don't know if it's because I didn't grow up here (and therefore didn't spend millions of Saturdays with my friends wandering around this cavern like shop being teenagers and sniggering and following people and picking things up and spraying things and wishing I had things and all that) but I never, ever, ever know my way around. Why does it have to be so confusing? Why are the signs so difficult to bloody find?

Anyway - that's by the by. We found the undie department (was dead easy actually. Ahem) and spent about 2 minutes in there before nearly collapsing with the heat. I made a fake appointment to come back and get my boobs measured (why did I do that?!) and then we rushed out back into the street with our coats and scarves in our hands and flushied cheeks. Not necessary to have that heat. Not at all.

After another rubbish attempt at getting some new bras at M&S we decided enough was enough of this malarky and went and got lunch. Mum said 'I've had a cracking idea, why don't we absolutely stuff our faces in here and then we won't need tea tonight unless we really fancy it'. That's my kind of idea.

Unfortunately, forgetting that I already have a tummy full of baby, the amount of food I ate was disgusting. The baby was so uncomfortable I'm sure it was trying to get out my belly button. Deary me. Never again.

And so to Saturday night - here's my lovely mummy in her jammies and Boris. They are officially in love. Boris hasn't paid me a blind bit of notice since she arrived. He's so fickle. We sat like this for a bit, commenting on the telly like real life Beavis & Buttheads and then I went to ma pit. It was grand.

That's mum's favourite snack in the whole wide world that she's eating - houmous with sesame & poppy seed crackers. Mmmmmmmmmmm.

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