Furnace Lass

By furnacelass

Time To Stop and Stare

What a wonderful day today! glorious sunshine. lazy breakfast and newspapers first , followed by a relaxing day spent in the garden. Lots of time to spend over all the big and little jobs, still lots happening in the flower borders and the raised vegetable plots. soon be eating our own veg. Decided to clear the giant hosta of the leaves so full of holes, eaten away by the nasty snails. It looks amazing now as there was a lot of growth underneath and the lovely pastel flowers are coming through.

Lunch was a treat sitting by the pond watching lots of tiny insects hovering over the water and sitting on the lily pads. Then the damsel flies appeared and made my day, spent ages just watching them land on different rocks and leaves. Believe it or not I actually set the tripod in the pond to get a close up shot , eyeball to eyeball so to speak. Got quite a lot of shots , even some on the long reeds which I have been trying for ages.

To finish the day we had a long walk in the evening sun along past the quarry , stood for ages watching the yellow bulldozer digging rocks out of the cliff face. Got some blips of this as well. Down by the water Oscar chased sticks and generally had a great time running around while I got more blips of Richard's clouds way beyond Inveraray over the Arrocher Alps , wonderful cloud shadows over the hills.On the way back we spotted beautiful lilac flowers growing all over the old Furnace wall, yet more blips

So , having spent a day stopping and staring at the wonders of our natural world I decided to go with this close up of the damsel fly tring to crawl up a rock by the pool. her tail is below the rock so I went in close. hope you like it.

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