Stormy Weather

The Digital Media event which I went to today was really rather good. Two nice young men explained in an amusing, entertaining manner how they had set up their game companies. It was interesting to hear their spin on it and they gave the students real, pratical and believable advice. Well done Dynamo Games and Digital Fish - a credit to Dundee's Gaming industry.

The event ended in beer for the students (a sure fire way of getting the bums on seats) and there was even a little left over as a reward for us!

As I set off the storm clouds were gathering. I thought I might manage to get ahead of them as South of the river was still looking fair. Err no chance. The heavens roared, thunder and lightening, hail. The whole kitand kaboodle. So I parked for a while and took a few shots. This was shot in full colour but this is the result - untouched. Can you beleive it. Also through the car window. No way was I getting out.

Probably looks better in large except I can't make it do that Grr!

As I drove across the bridge the thunder clapped and the lightening flashed above me - nice. But I carried on. I noticed other drivers had stopped driving on the other side of the bridge and decided to join them for a few mins. When we got back on the road the dual carriageway was down to single file on the outside lane due to the flooding and all around in the fields it looked as if it had snowed. It was like a November morning.....strange or what?

5 miles on in Balmullo - nada!!! Pavements dry. A lovely little micro climate.

End of the week for me :) and only a couple of weeks till the special occasion, yikes. Best get my a** in gear!

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