Clean Slate

By cleanslate

Happy Fathers Day

Mr CleanSlate and No.1 Son on Fathers Day.

What does it say about me that for a home made Fathers Day card (to be written by a 4 year old) I spent about 20 minutes googling and reading articles about where, if at all, the apostrophe should go. There is no hope for me :-(

It turns out, it doesn't matter (I'm presuming you're interested) apparently the most 'English' thing to do is to leave it out all together - given that the day is not possessed by a father or fathers in general and is only 'for' fathers (which is a whole different ball game - apostrophe wise). Apostrophes (in this context) are soooo American!! zzzzzzzzz sorry

it's a shame for you all that I don't blip more often :-)

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