Just the Withers......

By JaneW

This is a hidee-range-ee...

That is what a neighbour of my Mums used to call them,she clearly alwyas read them in a phonetic way... my Mum did not have the heart to correct her.. ME however could not wait to tell her but SELFISH SELFISH parent would not let me ..... I have been thwarted from doing many wicked things by that woman (mother,not her neighbour) I once was not allowed to live in my Aunty Phylls caravan on the farm as I had rinsed my knickers out and let them go mouldy in the pantry,also we accidently left the kittens in the caravan and they pooped on my cousins sleeping bag,you get quite a stench from a litter of 6 kittens....

Also my Mum still reminds me of the time I was sick on my wall when I was 15 because I may... MAY have had a sip of whisky .... she never even believed me when I said 'nooo mother I am not drunk someone must of spiked my lemonade' ... She is a terrible woman,fancy ... me,an angel... a really good girl.... ohhhh she treats me so badly...

Love you Mum xxxxxxxxxx

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