Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Hello furry chops...and hello Princess Mitten....

We always had cats when I was growing up,not to eat.. as pets...I cannot imagine my house without a feline pest or three... honest to god they drive me mental,especially the three we have now,but I love them so !!!
Eve has informed me over the last year or so she wants to be a vet or an artist... we said to be fair you can do both duckie.She also loves her pets very much,often there is a dog or cat in bed with her she makes room and squishes up so they can all get in.
Eve is off school today as she has had a persistent cough for weeks... and its beginning to give her a headache by the end of the day... so anyway she has been given some nasal spray doodahhh for hayfever as its the catarrh thats making her hack up a lung.

Do you know,I love this blip malarky and all my blip friends xxx

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