In Between Days

By jase


Sometimes I take a picture whilst I am waiting. Like here where I am waiting in the car. The telegraph pole at the end of the street. Sometimes its the only picture I have taken all day so I end up blipping it (I actually took another photo today of a balloon for an invite Alana is writing but we'll go with the pole).

Fathers Day. I got some nice cards and a nice cup to add to my collection. This cup is one I have commented on as we pass Starbucks so I'm quite pleased to own one. Its a real cup based on their paper cup which I like a lot. Wondering whether to take it to work or keep it at home (I'll take a pic another day).

Its also L's dad's birthday today so we had a family pub lunch her side of the family. It was then off to a party for the kids and I fixed my punctures.

That camp site we really liked - they called to say they have made room for us to store our caravan! So its all falling into place nicely on that front.

Read loads to Alana at bedtime. Nearly finished Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince and its been so tense and gripping I must have read an hour to her. We'll be on the last book soon!

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