A Collector of Oddities

By MinBannister

The Patterson Gimlin film

This is basically THE bigfoot film. It is so famous that there can't be many people who have not seen the female bigfoot sauntering through the woods and throwing a glance at the cameraman as she goes. It is available on youtube to view.

This film gives me a bit of trouble as it is too fantastical to be a real bigfoot but at the same time if it is a suit it is a blooming good one. We went to a talk last Tuesday on this subject and also saw a documentary a couple of days ago. Both pretty much showed that at the time (1967) there was no such suit available. There were a couple of Hollywood films being made at the time (of which one was was Planet of the Apes) and they did not have such good suits. Basically the ape costumes are quite baggy and billow around the actors whereas the creature on the P-G film looks completely solid.

Various people have come forward claiming to have made or have been wearing the suit but no one in the last 44 years has been able to produce another bigfoot film that hasn't blatently been someone in a gorilla costume.

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