1/125 second of your time

By dizzley

Tarn Hows Geese

Today started off badly as "someone" downloaded a virus to my wife's laptop when "someone" should have know better. It's a gut-wrenching experience when you are a professional and yet you do something stupid - and it's a salutary lesson. Now, home from our short holiday and four days later, I'm getting a live-CD and up-to-date rootkit scanner ready. Also, this brought an end to daily blipfoto updates for a while. I will let you know how I go on.

Tarn Hows is a magnificent small mountain lake with a backdrop of Coniston hills including Coniston Old Man, 803m, Dow Crag, 778m and Wetherlam, 763m. I have some brightly sunlit shots with the hills behind but I think they lack drama and fail to capture the place.

This shot of geese - posing smartly for the camera - is my choice of the day.

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