In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall

Four In The Morning

Okay, so this is not a brilliant photograph, on the contrary, it is a pretty poor one. But there are 2 things I love about it; the first being that it was taken at 4 in the morning, with it being so light already, ( a great reason for living in this part of the world, especially at this time of year when , on non cloudy nights, like it is, that it never gets dark. It just stays sort like twilight.)

And secondly, and more importantly, this is me just reaching home after 14 hours driving my cab.

And yes I did have a break, when I met my wife for a coffee and a toasted teacake,
2 coffees and 2 teacakes...cost?
Tesco. Hardly salubrious, but cost effective, and, Hey, it is only teacakes and crap coffee, so why pay more?

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