Waiting for Jonny

By yearofhappy


The challenge with the blip gang today was " Water" and I was being remarkably reserved by doing as I am told. I guess I am finally towing the line and not rebelling.

Actually, scrap that, I am currently showing my maverick colours and am in the middle of writing a very very firmly worded letter to David Cameron as we speak.

Our local Tory MP has made headline news today for all the wrong reasons and is suggesting that people with disabilities ( mainly learning difficulties ) should be paid lower than the minimum wage. I won't go into the details, you can read for yourself if you wish .

The Telegraph

The Guardian

I don't have the words really. I have contacted the MP himself, to see what his response is. He believes that he is representing the views of people with disabilities. I have asked what the figure is for people with learning difficulties in our area and how many people with LD he has actually spoken to . I suspect it is not an accurate reflection at all.

Meanwhile I am writing to DC, this kind of behaviour can not go unchallenged by the party leader.

Anyway. Apart from the heavy evening, it's been a good day. Work was reasonable , had a training session after work and then me and the girls went for a walk around some local woods this evening. I loved the fresh air and the smell of wild garlic as we walked. The girls were moaning about getting home and muttering something along the lines of " we are only here so you can take some photos ". Erm that would be a " yes " then,

David Cameron may find two letters appearing on his doorstep next week then, the other one from the girls asking for their case for " No Walking In The Woods When We Could be On The Computer " to be heard in the House of Lords.

I am sure one day they will appreciate that fresh air is good for them , and you know when they thought I wasn't looking, they did raise a smile when they were throwing pebbles in the river.

Happy Weeekend

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