Waiting for Jonny

By yearofhappy

Sorry seems to be the hardest word

... well all I can say is what a bloody easy spelling test that Elton John had then!!

This is an official blipapology ( blipology ?) for the fact that I have officially gone into cloud overdose land now. When you count your cloud blips and realise that the number is nearing your age or maybe your bra size then maybe, just maybe it's time to change your trade mark!!

So I am sorry. I will blip buildings and flowers and bees and bread rolls and cars from now on. ( I have yet to do my " Blip Bee Shot " yet which , I do believe, is a rite of passage on here , everyone seems to have done one apart from me !) Actually. I am talking bollocks, I will be cloud happy for ever I should imagine.

Talking of talking bollocks: today I woke up very very dizzy and then remembered that I had sustained a head injury whilst decorating last night. Felt dreadful and was not fit to drive to work. I slept for hours and then woke up and googled " signs of concussion " ( how reassuring that a qualified nurse has to refer to google! ). Worked through the checklist: I knew I was dizzy, I knew I didn't have nausea or vomitting or loss of vision but when it came to the question of " not making any sense".. well in all honesty how do you tell with me ???

Anyway, after a lot of rest it appears that everything is now resolved but I guess I could have pleaded amnesia and forgotten that I have ever posted a cloud blip before.

This is a view from further up the canal near Leeds taken after visiting a friend for her birthday tonight.

The fresh air has been a great head clearer today

Happy Weekend Eve at you all
oh and PS thanks for spotlight yesterday, it was just a quickie shot so am glad you all liked it

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