This day

By snapper

Dull day

Well after all the excitment of last nights fruitless beaver hunt, today was always going to be dull and boring. Weather wise bright, breezy with only one short shower. #1 son & daughter were also home last night , daughter was en route to do some work on the new Islay ferry, #1 son to see his mammy & mooch some money! Still it was nice to see them and they add to the cheerieness of the place.

After much paper work, took doggies for a plod along the canal. This wee cottage was once two belonging to the lockeepers, British Waterways sold it some years back and as a job lot a couple living further up the canal bought it for over 80 thousand and spent almost that again renovating it.
They then put their much larger stone house up for sale but would you beleive it they never got a buyer! reluctantly they had to sell the wee cottage on. It was bought by a little old lady of inditerminate years, who when you pass her and say hellos, she looks suspiciously at you! She only stays occassionaly and Im thinking she is a southern city lass given her dour suspicious demenour. I will still keep saying hello to her.

Must off now as chubby hubby has come home from the Sneck so time for a blether.

God night all

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