The Daily Bun

By pennybun

No 83: Redstart

Had a great day's birding at Longshaw / Padley Gorge today. Saw grey wagtail, dipper, meadow pipit, great spotted woodpecker, bullfinch, stonechat, siskin, and this beautiful bird - a lifer for me. Also, when I got home and looked at my photos, what I thought was a wheatear I now think is a whinchat - another lifer. I think I caught a glimpse of a pied flycatcher, which would have been third lifer, but I'm not being greedy and claiming that. The day's birding was topped off with a nice cup of tea and a sit down and a scone at the excellent Longshaw cafe. Even managed to dodge all but one shower. Sunshine would have made this a near-perfect day. Ah well, you can't have everything!

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