19months 23 days what I hear most mornings from Katie when trying to get her ready to go out. In her defence, she has a magical talent for finding puddles. Wherever we go, however bright and sunny it is, she finds them.

She slept well last night, and so did Mummy. 4am and then through til 6. This is working for me. We headed out (complete with boots) to go to Munchkins, just across the street. In the ridiculously short walk down the little cut through that it takes to get there, she managed to soak Monkey.

She had a lovely time. She was a lot more confident than last week, I think she's getting to know the place now and feel more at ease. She played with the playdoh, watched the children in the giant inflatable, but didnt want to go in. She spent a long time rocking a doll in the (real) baby cradle swing. When the parachute came out, she was over the moon. Such big smiles. She loves being on them, under them, waving them, having them waved over her.

She had a decent lunch and sleep before we went out to the garden centre, the one with soft play in their cafe. She was happy to go in some bits she doesnt always go in, and was spinning round and round on a little spinner thing. She decided that running to look round the centre was more fun today, so we went. She headed straight for the fish, taking a detour to push Doodles on one of the garden swings. She was very pleased to see the fish, even more so when I found a little step for her that she could look on the higher shelves from.

She's currently singing the hokey cokey, along with the Tweenies. She's absolutely fascinated by their songtime DVD. Horseyhorsey gets sung too as well. And whenever Doodles comes on, she runs for hers and holds him up to the one on the TV.

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