Purple Clematis

Glad to see the hand on the clock hit 4pm today. Spent the last hour of the working week on the phone to technonumpty support as my work PC has a virus. The response I got was underwhelming.

Them "So is anyone in the office coming up to Aberdeen
Me "Today, no I doubt it"
Them " What about next week"
Me "No I doubt it. When are you coming to fix it"
Them " Ummm umm. Well we should be down some time next week as we have to update the virus software on the Dundee server"
Me " Any idea when?"
Them "Early next week"

That will be Thursday then.....

Two things spring to mind. First one being that they knew there was a virus issue and second one being I will have trouble doing my job till they sort it. The notion of PC support has gone downhill since I was in that game. If it wasnt so locked down I would fix it myself.

And breathe...its the weekend! Which is a good thing, right?

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