The (not so) quiet life

By Abikaty

On The Road Again

Was off to see a lady up near Dornoch this evening. It's a bit of a trek but it was a nice evening and with it being work related I got to leave all of Satans Minions and spend the trip listening to the radio instead of constant whining and demands for toilet breaks. The house I was going to turned out to be a little out of the way but after taking a slight wrong turning down a road with potholes that could easily have played host to caving expeditions I made it to my destination. This is the view from the bottom of the drive. Jealous much!?

The monument on the hill is to the 1st Duke of Sutherland, the instigator of the Highland Clearnces which saw tens of thousands of crofter families forcibly ejected from their homes and left to fend for themselves with the few belongings they could carry. Many of them starved or froze to death, the lucky ones emigrating to North America or moving to the lowland cities. His grand plan was to use the lands to expand his flocks of sheep, grow turnips, build salt pans and herring fisheries. Undestandably the Duke was not a popular man in these parts but the 2nd Duke saw fit to have a monument erected in his honour. Even today people make the trek up the hill to express their distaste at his attempt at land management.

Quote of the day: " I meant to get the plant" Minion number five attempting to explain why there was half an inch of water lying on my window sill.

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