Tales from a Digital Guy

By digitalface

Time to reflect

Well the doc has given me another 6 weeks off work - it's time to reflect, think of something new to do and give it my best shot. Not being able to work for the last 3 months has left my business in tatters, and if truth be told i don't care. I've been looking for a way out of IT for some time - I hate dealing with computers and i hate dealing with the ungrateful buggers that use them - I have an outgoing message on my answering machine which says "all computer work is suspended due to car accident" - not ONE has left a message saying "i hope you are ok", in fact they dont even listen to it, they just say "i'm going out in half an hour, can you come before then"?....i just press *Delete*.

The one thing that has kept me going is having a camera, it's been brill....it's also made me appreciate the garden more...and as i'm not allowed to drive, my pictures have been pretty much limited to it, unless of course Jen pops over and takes me for a ride in the country.

Its really making me turn something very negative into a positive.

Now what shall i do when i'm ready to work ? Fireman ? nope, done that......Lecturer ? ...nope, done that too.....make i should try basket weaving, at least they don't answer you back :)

Happy Thursday !

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