Club 107

By club107

Happy Blipday to me

Ok calm down calm down, one at a time please, you can all make an orderly queue to leave this page, contact the authorities, report it to moderators and collect sick bags on your way out. I apologise for any distress and severe stomach upset this image might cause. And in case you were wondering no, this image has not been Photoshopped that much, my forehead really is that large.

So 365 blips in a row. This one is not exactly as intended, the number 1 son was adamant that he wanted to keep hold of the muslin square, and despite multiple attempts, no he wasn?t going to yawn for me, but hey it was 6:50am, who yawns at that time of the day. We literally had about a 5 minute window to take this photo (in between preparing three kids for school, bidding Madame?s sister arrivederci , Madame preparing for a very big day at work), so in that respect, it could have been considerably worse.

Why this photo? I would like to point out that I am not normally the kind of guy to bare all for anyone, in fact this is the first time I have ever taken a photograph of myself so exposed. I would also point out that, like many people, I was extremely self-conscious about my body when I was younger but thankfully that has gone slightly, but I?d simply add that I would not wish to make a habit of this sort of behaviour.

I think everyone contributing to this website are doing so for a reason, well maybe several reasons. To actually create a daily record of their lives through photos, to improve their photographic skills, to show off their obvious talent, just for fun or to keep people aware of how their life is going. I think that my aim here is an attempt to try something different, which I would do more often given the time. My reasoning is that in years to come, the number one son will be able to look at this photo and think, ?Yep my Dad was a bit weird, but I quite like the photo?, hopefully.

So thanks to the people at Blip for allowing people to get obsessed and sprint around taking photos. Your efforts will be appreciated for years to come. Thanks to the Photoshop engineer who helped make this less unpalatable, seriously thanks Davide. Thanks also to all those who I have 'met virtually' or nearly physically (one day soon!) and also those who have dropped by on a regular basis, you know who you are and to all who comment, it truly is appreciated. Now I can get my clothes back on.

My photo was seemingly offensive to some people, most certainly not my aim. If you wish to see the original, I shall not publish the link but the path should be relatively logical, it is but two clicks away. Do let me know if you find it offensive also.

This time with my edited image, I hope I offend no-one, you don't know what you are missing, thankfully.


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