Niall Today

By niallToday

Has Everybody Remembered To Pack Their Kagool?

Decided to have a change of scenery, so took off for Yorkshire.

Its been a while since I used my tent and I now have an inflatable mattress (ooohh) which I wanted to try. The only problem I had on my cycling & camping trip last year was how uncomfortable the roll-up mattress was (its only about 2 cm thick) so I recently bought myself an inflatable. Again..oooh.

Had a loose idea of re-visiting some of the places I went to on a geography field trip whilst at school. I could only remember somewhere called Grassington, 'cos it sounded so very Yorkshire, so I just headed for there and played the rest by ear (well, eye, actually).

One such place was Malham Tarn. And here it is.

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