Ina's Snippets

By ina

Watching the swallows leave

"What lies behind us
and what lies ahead of us
are tiny matters
compared to what lives within us."

~Author unknown~


First day of the long weekend... slept late :), sorted out my photo's and just had a relaxed day. Look forward to the rest of the weekend!

If you look closely at the photo you will see swallows by the thousands in the background - 'going somewhere' - think they go to Brittian? A definite sign that winter is close.

If everything goes well, I will get my telephoto lens tomorrow :)

Today is post 40 - been here 40 days and 40 nights!


"May the sun shine all day long,
everything go right and nothing wrong.
May those you love bring love back to you,
and may all the wishes you wish come true!"

~Irish Blessings quote~

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