Ina's Snippets

By ina

Nature's pastel painting

"You can't depend on your eyes
when your imagination is out of focus."

~Mark Twain~


Another sunshine day, clear skies and beautiful weather!

Thought this reflection looks like an oil painting! I left a bit of grass in the front so you can get a 'sense of where you are' :0)

Found the moonblips today interesting. If you look at dsysurfer's blip, taken from the Southern hemisphere, you will notice the crater at the top is at about 1 o'clock position. I'm also south and the crater moves a bit to the right into the 2 o'clock position :) Find it fascinating.

This is brickmaker's moonblip taken in the Northern hemisphere.

Hope you all have a super long weekend, enjoy!


"If you cannot be a poet, be the poem."

~David Carradine~

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