
By Jillybean

Out Of The Darkness

I am so incredibly proud of every person in this picture. Last night all of us (Team Jackie) walked 18 miles in the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention's Out Of The Darkness walk. From left to right...Back row: Megan, Demi, Amanda, Lice, Omar, Veen, Neuman, Twass, Mac Front row: Kristen, Tonesy, Myself, Owen. And a special shout out to the Team Jackie members who weren't able to walk but raised a lot of money Mandy, Kat, G, and Petes.

It was a truly amazing walk. We listened to people speak about their personal struggles with depression and other mental illnesses. We heard the stories of people who had attempted suicide and survived.We heard stories of families broken by suicides and friends left heartbroken. We learned that we are not alone in the grief we feel over the loss of our friend. It was comforting sitting among a crowd of 2,000 people who have felt the pain we feel. Those people were all effected by suicide and yet each and every one of them had hope. Hope that we could change the stigma that surrounds suicide. Hope that we could educate people on the fact that mental illnesses are not character flaws or weaknesses but illnesses. Illnesses that can be treated. They all had hope that we can prevent further loss of life. That suicide can be prevented as long as we continue to raise awareness and knock down the barriers that society has put up. Everybody walked 18 miles to prove this. Better yet, $2.5 million was raised for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.

People shouldn't be afraid to seek help. Suicide is preventable.

Continued on tomorrows blip...don't forget to look there!

"Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier. Be the living expression of God's kindness: kindness in your face, kindness in your eyes, kindness in your smile."
-Mother Teresa

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