Bits Bobs and Bats

By vix

Today I cried at this jelly fish...

I am unsure of the reason I broke down at this particular jelly fish today. There were hundreds of them along Portobello beach this morning, making me feel a little conspicuous as I lolloped along, red cheeked and sweaty, occasionally catching a singular eye of these grounded creatures.

But it was this jelly fish in particular that sparked a fountain of emotion in me. Perhaps it was the almost motherly, sympathetic and understanding gaze it cast me, or just the mere allegory of it replicating how my brain feels at the moment. Jellied and stranded.

I have been, quite frankly, living it large over the last month (or two). I am tired and over emotional. Last weekends goodbye party for my wonderful pal, probably compounded the fear and loathing my return to work, after a glorious 10 month absence, this Monday instilled in me. It lived up to its low expectations, and some.

I am currently in a state of flux, a host of emotions conflicting within me. I am angry and tetchy with my family for undervaluing me and all I do for them; remorseful and guilt ridden for sending my little ones off to be semi-raised by virtual strangers and just desperate to get away from them all and have some time to just be!

Fair to say, I am not at my best. The next hour/this afternoon/tomorrow/next week will be a different story. Such is the emotional fluctuating stunt kite that is life.

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